Archive | Eukaryotic Cell

What are Transposable Elements ? | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about the meaning of transposable elements. The chromosomes of E. coli and other prokaryotes contain discrete moveable segments of DNA called transposable elements, which can be translocated to other locations. Such DNA sequences can move from one position on a chromosome to another, and from one DNA molecule to another. They are detected when [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:33+00:00December 12, 2016|Transposable Elements|Comments Off on What are Transposable Elements ? | Genetics

Cytoskeletal Structures of Eukaryotic Cell

The following points highlight the three main types of cytoskeletal structures of eukaryotic cell. The types are: 1. Microfilaments 2. Intermediate Filaments 3. Microtubules. Cytoskeletal Structure of Eukaryotic Cell: Type # 1. Microfilaments: They are ultramicroscopic long, narrow cylindrical rods or protein filaments which occur in eukaryotic plant and animal cells. Microfilaments are made up of actin (also present in [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:46+00:00December 12, 2016|Eukaryotic Cell|Comments Off on Cytoskeletal Structures of Eukaryotic Cell

Functions of Cell Membranes | Eukaryotic Cell

The following points highlight the nineteen important functions of cell membranes.  1. The cell membranes cause compartmentalization. As plasma membranes they separate the cells from their external environment. As organelle coverings, they allow the cell or­ganelles to maintain their identity, internal environment and functional individuality. 2. Plasma membrane protects the cell from injury. 3. The membranes allow the flow of [...]

By |2016-12-12T06:52:44+00:00December 12, 2016|Eukaryotic Cell|Comments Off on Functions of Cell Membranes | Eukaryotic Cell
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