Herbal Formulations and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Due to the side effects of Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, no doubt there is an increase of herbals for the treatment of arthritis. However the scientific study of these herbs is currently more focused on the identification, isolation and char­acterization of the active principle(s) from crude extracts.

The fact that strong synergism of several constituent in the crude drug may prove more potent and effective than any single purified com­pound is being overlooked. Moreover this may help to nullify the toxic effects (if any) of individu­al constituents. A limited number of poly-herbal formula­tions has been studied for anti-arthritic activity (Table 17.3).

Ingredients of Some Poly Herbal Formulation

Among them are various Kampo medicine (traditional Japanese herbal medicine). In a study total 8 Kampo medicines were evaluat­ed and examined for their effects on collagen in­duced arthritis and PX transgenic mice. Among these Dia-bofu-to, Kanzo-bushi-to, and Makayo-yokkan-to significantly re­duced the severity of arthritis in collagen induced arthritis mice.

Dai-bofu-to (DBT), includes 15 herbs in dif­ferent proportion, was studied for clinical evalua­tion of PX transgenic mice, histological assessment, FACS analysis, RT-southern blot analysis. All these studies show positive results towards an alterna­tive for the treatment of arthritis.

Kanzo-Bushi-to (KBT), consists of four medical srude drugs: Cinnamomi cortex, Clycyrrhizae radix, Atractylodis Lanceae and Aconitum tuber, was studied to in­vestigate the suppressive effect on collagen in­duced arthritis (CIA) along with the mechanism.

It was found that KBT suppressed CIA development effectively and further protected focal bone ero­sion and bone destruction. PC201 that contains ethanolic extracts of 12 herbs was tested for the control of inflammatory pro­teins and cartilage degradation with adverse ef­fects on collagen induced arthritis.

Evidence showed that it suppressed the progression of CIA and erosion of cartilage was dramatically reduced.

An Indian poly herbal drug Ease was evaluated for its anti arthritic and anti-inflam­matory effect and its mechanism of action, the results significant ef­fect recommending for its clinical studies.

The Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, India de­veloped a poly herbal formulation Joint Care B, containing Alpinia galanga (rhizome), Commipho­ra w/ghf/V (oleo-gum-resin), Boswellia serrata (oleo- gum resin), Foeniculum vulgare (fruit), Clycyrrhi- za glabra (root), Vitex negundo (seed), and Anethum graveolens (fruit).

It was recommended that this formulation have anti-inflammatory activity without any side effects.
