TH cells play a central role in the immune response. These cells are specially prolific cyto­kine producers. Once activated by an antigen, they can use these chemical messengers to induce the formation of TC cells, activate macrophages and formation of many antibodies by B-cells.

Functions of TH cell are as follows in the next page (Fig. 10.4):

1. An APC encounters and processes an antigen, forming MHC-antigen complexes on its surface.

2. A TH cell receptor binds to the complex, stimu­lating APC to secrete IL-1.

3. IL-1 stimulates TH cell to produce IL-2, which then stimulates that TH cell to form a clone of TH cells.

4. The cells of this clone in turn produce cyto­kines, stimulating cell of both immune systems.


Functions of TH cell

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