Archive | Secondary Metabolites

Nitrogen Containing Secondary Plant Products

The following points highlight the three groups of nitrogen containing secondary plant products. The products are: 1. Alkaloids 2. Cyanogenic Glycosides and Glucosinolates and 3. Non-Protein Amino Acids. 1. Alkaloids: Alkaloids are an extremely heterogeneous group of so called secondary metabolites containing one or more nitrogen atoms, usually in a heterocyclic ring. However, all compounds with heterocylic ring and containing [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:37+00:00March 3, 2016|Secondary Metabolites|Comments Off on Nitrogen Containing Secondary Plant Products

Plant Phenolics (With Diagram and Statistics)

Let us make an in-depth study of the plant phenolics. After reading this article you will learn about 1. Biological Functions of Plant Phenolics 2. Classification of Plant Phenolics and 3. Biosynthesis of Plant Phenolics. Thousands of organic compounds which contain one or more phenolic residue i.e., a funcĀ­tional hydroxyl group on a benzene ring are produced by plants and [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:37+00:00March 3, 2016|Secondary Metabolites|Comments Off on Plant Phenolics (With Diagram and Statistics)
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