Archive | Secondary Metabolites

Top 4 Examples of Flavanones (With Uses)

This article throws light upon the top four examples of flavanones. The examples are: 1. Hesperetin 2. Naringenin 3. Eriodictyol 4. Homoeriodictyol. Flavanones Example # 1. Hesperetin: Hesperetin belongs to the flavanone class of flavonoids. Hesperetin, in the form of its glycoside hesperidin, is the predominant fla­vonoid in lemons and oranges. Sources: Number of citrus juices. Uses: 1. Antioxidant 2. Anti-aromatase [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:54:30+00:00May 2, 2016|Secondary Metabolites|Comments Off on Top 4 Examples of Flavanones (With Uses)

Simple Plant Phenolics, Lignin, Flavonoids and Tannins

In this article we will discuss about 1. Simple Plant Phenolics 2. Lignin 3. Flavonoids and 4. Tannins. Simple Plant Phenolics: The phenolic compounds which contain basic carbon skeleton as C6, C6 – C1, C6 - C2, C6 - C3 and C6 - C4 are sometimes grouped as simple phenolics. Many of these compounds occur in plants as secondary metabolites [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:38+00:00March 3, 2016|Secondary Metabolites|Comments Off on Simple Plant Phenolics, Lignin, Flavonoids and Tannins

Isoprenoids: Structure, Distribution and Role

Let us make an in-depth study of the structure, distribution and role of isoprenoids (Terpenoids) as secondary metabolites in plants. 1. Monoterpenes (C10): These terpenes contain 10-C atoms and are built up of two iso- preneitnits. There structure may be (i) acyclic, (ii) cyclohexanoid (mono, bi or tricyclic) and (iii) cyclopentanoid. Monoterpenes are chiefly found in resin ducts in leaves, [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:37+00:00March 3, 2016|Secondary Metabolites|Comments Off on Isoprenoids: Structure, Distribution and Role
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