Archive | Plant Kingdom

Biology Notes on Fern

The below mentioned article provides biology notes on Fern. Adiantum (Maiden Hair Fern) and Dryopteris (Male Shield Fern) are the two common ferns that are found in moist shady places in tropical, subtropical and temperate areas. Adiantum is also observed to occur under bridges, water courses and walls of old well. Plant body is a perennial independently living evergreen sporophyte [...]

By |2016-09-06T07:54:48+00:00September 6, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on Biology Notes on Fern

Division of Plant Kingdom | Botany

In this article we will discuss about the cryptogams and phanerogams divisions of plant kingdom. I. Cryptogams: Cryptogams never bear flowers and reproduce by some minute bodies called spores, or by simple fission. They are again divided into three groups: (a) Thallophyta: A thallophyte is that plant where the plant body is an undifferentiated mass of cells (thallus), having nothing [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on Division of Plant Kingdom | Botany

List of 35 Thallophytes | Fungi

Here is a list of thirty-five thallophytes found in fungi:- 1. Synchytrium 2. Saprolegnia 3. Phytophtora 4. Albugo 5. Peronospora 6. Mucor 7. Rhizopus 8. Cunninghamella 9. Saccharomyces 10. Aspergillus 11. Penicillium 12. Peziza 13. Aleuria 14. Ascobolus 15. Geoglossum 16. Phyllactinia 17. Daldenia 18. Xylaria 19. Neurospora 20. Polyporus 21. Schizophyllum 22. Stereum 23. Clavaria and a few others. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:23+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on List of 35 Thallophytes | Fungi
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