Archive | Plant Kingdom

The Inoculation of Plant Pathogen

The below mentioned article provides a practical experiment on the inoculation of plant pathogen. Principle: Plant pathogen can be artificially inoculated, into a host and thereafter incubated for colonisation and spread of pathogen. The pathogenic infection thereafter can be detected by the symptomatic expression. Requirements: 1. Culture slant of a pathogen 2. Potato tuber 3. Cork-borer 4. Inoculating needle 5. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:23+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on The Inoculation of Plant Pathogen

Identification of Diseased Plants and Plant Parts

In this article we will discuss about the Identification of Diseased Plants and Plant Parts with the help of fifteen specimens. 1. Specimen: The infected tuber and plant shoot show the following features: (a) The infected potato is characterised by warty and dirty cauliflower-like proliferations of abnormal tissue of variable size and shape. The plant shoot also is deformed particularly [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:22+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on Identification of Diseased Plants and Plant Parts

List of 37 Thallophytes | Algae

Here is a list of thirty-seven thallophytes:- 1. Gloeocapsa 2. Oscillatoria 3. Lyngbya 4. Nostoc 5. ANABAENA 6. Scytonema 7. Stegonema 8. Gloeotrichia 9. Rivularia 10. Westiellopsis 11. Nostocopsis 12. Pininularia 13. Biddulphia 14. Euglena 15. Chlamydomonas 16. Volvox 17. Ulothrix 18. Cladophora 19. Draparnaldia 20. Fristchiella 21. Coleochaete 22. Trentepohlia 23. Oedogonium 24. Zygnema and a few others. 1. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:22+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on List of 37 Thallophytes | Algae
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