Archive | Plants

Structure of a Onion Plant (With Diagram) | Hindi | Botany

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the structure of a onion plant, explained with the help of a suitable diagram. पहचान एवं वर्गीकरण: एकबीजपत्री पौधों को उनकी झकड़ा जड़ों एवं पत्तियों पर समानान्तर शिरा-विन्यास द्वारा आसानी से पहचाना जा सकता है । पामवृक्ष, लिली जाति के पौधे, प्याज, लहसुन, गेहूँ, ज्वार, मक्का, केला आदि एकबीजपत्री पौधे हैं अर्थात् [...]

By |2017-03-07T19:54:26+00:00March 7, 2017|Monocotyledonous|Comments Off on Structure of a Onion Plant (With Diagram) | Hindi | Botany

Types of Hormones Present in Plants | Biotechnology

The following points highlight the three types of hormones which regulates the growth and development of plants. The hormones are: 1. Auxins 2. Cytokinins 3. Gibberellins. Hormone # 1. Auxins: Both naturally occurring and synthetic auxins are available and are widely used in cultures for clonal propagation work. Naturally occurring auxin is indole acetic acid (IAA). Synthetic ones are 2, [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Hormones|Comments Off on Types of Hormones Present in Plants | Biotechnology

Role of Auxins and Cytokinins in Culture Medium | Plants

In this article we will discuss about the role of auxins and cytokinins in culture medium. Effective, speedy growth and desirable morphogenesis in tissue culture requires the pres­ence of both auxins and cytokinins in culture medium. The relative concentration of auxins and cytokinins are often essential to bring about some kind of morphogenesis. Axillary shoot prolif­eration in some species may [...]

By |2016-12-23T06:34:57+00:00December 23, 2016|Hormones|Comments Off on Role of Auxins and Cytokinins in Culture Medium | Plants
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