Archive | Plant Taxonomy

Chemotaxonomy: Meaning, Stages and Significance

In this article we will discuss about Chemotaxonomy. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Chemotaxonomy 2. Stages in Chemotaxonomy 3. Significance. Significance of Chemotaxonomy: The occurrence and distribution of the various types of chemical substances present in plants prove to be of taxonomic significance. However, it should be noted that, all kinds of chemical substances [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:15+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Chemotaxonomy: Meaning, Stages and Significance

Top 5 Characteristics of Pollen Used in Taxonomy | Palynology

The following points highlight the top five characteristics of pollen used in taxonomy. The characteristics are: 1. Shape, Size and Symmetry of Pollen 2. Pollen Association 3. Pollen Nuclear Number 4. Apertural Forms 5. Exine Stratification. Characteristic # 1. Shape, Size and Symmetry of Pollen: Size and shape of pollen are important diagnostic characters. The shape may be circular, triangular, [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:15+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Top 5 Characteristics of Pollen Used in Taxonomy | Palynology

Numerical Taxonomy: Meaning, Merits and Demerits

In this article we will discuss about Numerical Taxonomy:- 1. Meaning of Numerical Taxonomy 2. Principles of Numerical Taxonomy 3. Merits 4. Demerits 5. Applications. Contents: Meaning of Numerical Taxonomy Principles of Numerical Taxonomy Merits of Numerical Taxonomy Demerits of Numerical Taxonomy Applications of Numerical Taxonomy 1. Meaning of Numerical Taxonomy: Numerical taxonomy or taximetrics, nowadays frequently and perhaps more [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:14+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Numerical Taxonomy: Meaning, Merits and Demerits
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