Archive | Plant Taxonomy

Embryological Characters: Meaning, Significance and Application

In this article we will discuss about the Embryological Characters:- 1. Meaning of Embryological Characters 2. Basic Embryological Characters of Taxonomic Significance 3. Application of of Embryological Data in Taxonomy. Meaning of Embryological Characters: Embryology is the study of micro- and mega-sporogenesis, gametophyte development, fertilization, and development of endosperm, embryo, and seed coats. Although the possibility of utilizing embryological characters [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:16+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Embryological Characters: Meaning, Significance and Application

Anatomy in Relation to Plant Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about the Anatomy in Relation to Plant Taxonomy:- 1. Uses of Anatomy 2. Types of Anatomy 3. Ultra Structural Systematics. Uses of Anatomy: Anatomical characters of vegetative and floral parts of flowering plants have been successfully employed to solve taxonomic problems and for the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships. It was Bureau, who for the [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:16+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Anatomy in Relation to Plant Taxonomy

Serotaxonomy: Definition, History and Roles | Plant Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about Serotaxonomy:- 1. Definition of Serotaxonomy 2. History of Serotaxonomy 3. Methods 4. Roles. Definition of Serotaxonomy: Serology is defined as that portion of biology, which is concerned with the nature and interactions of antigenic material and antibodies. Smith (1976) defined it as "the study of the origins and properties of antisera." When foreign cells [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:16+00:00May 12, 2016|Plant Taxonomy|Comments Off on Serotaxonomy: Definition, History and Roles | Plant Taxonomy
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