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Hydroponics, Sand Cultures and Aeroponics | Plants

Study notes on hydroponics, sand cultures and aeroponics! Hydroponics (Tank Culture): The technique of growing plant in water cultures (or nutrient solution) without soil as a rooting medium is known as hydroponics or tank farming. Some vegetables and ornamental plants like tomatoes, carrot, lettuce and roses are grown in hydroponics in European countries. Plants are grown in concrete tanks filled [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:42:54+00:00October 24, 2015|Notes|Comments Off on Hydroponics, Sand Cultures and Aeroponics | Plants

Short Notes on Solid Substrate Fermentation

Short Notes on Solid Substrate Fermentation! There are certain fermentation processes that do not involve liquid medium. For these bio- technological processes, the growth of the microorganisms is carried out on solid substrates in the complete absence or almost complete absence of free water. The presence of some moisture (about 15%) is necessary for solid substrate (or solid state) fermentation [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:42+00:00September 21, 2015|Notes|Comments Off on Short Notes on Solid Substrate Fermentation

Study Notes on Green House Effect

The green house effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon which is responsible for heating the earth surface and atmosphere. Due to green house effect, the average temperature of earth surface is 15°C and without green house effect the average temperature would have been - 18°C. A green house (also called as glasshouse) is a building in which plants are grown. [...]

By |2015-08-27T08:59:41+00:00December 1, 2014|Notes|Comments Off on Study Notes on Green House Effect
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