Archive | Microscope

Electron Microscope (EM): Principles and Types

EM is a very bulky tool that provides higher resolution and magnification than light microscope. The EM is best used for studying biological ultra structure and the image obtained is called electron micrograph. There are two general types of EM: Transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope. The other improved relatives of EM are scanning probe microscope, scanning tunneling microscope [...]

By |2015-08-27T08:38:22+00:00December 2, 2014|Microscope|Comments Off on Electron Microscope (EM): Principles and Types

6 Major Types of Light Microscopes – Explained!

Some of the major types of light microscopes are as follows: A. Dark-field Microscope (=Ultra-microscope) B. Phase-Contrast microscope C. Differential-interference-contrast microscope: (= Nomarski interference microscope) D. Ultraviolet Microscope E. Fluorescence microscope F. Confocal microscope. A. Dark-field Microscope (=Ultra-microscope): It was invented by Zsigmondy (1905). In dark field microscope, a special condenser lens is used with an opaque disc at the [...]

By |2015-08-27T08:39:01+00:00December 2, 2014|Microscope|Comments Off on 6 Major Types of Light Microscopes – Explained!

Microscopy and Properties of Microscope

A microscope is an optical instrument that is used for magnifying objects too small to be seen by naked eye. Investigations or studies of cell architecture by means of the microscope are called microscopy, and the person who pursuing the study is called microscopist. History of Microscopy: 1590: The two Janssen brothers of Holland, Francis Janssen and Zacharias Janssen, who [...]

By |2015-08-27T08:39:06+00:00December 2, 2014|Microscope|Comments Off on Microscopy and Properties of Microscope
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