Archive | Microscope

Compound Microscope: Meaning, Parts and Uses | Hindi | Science

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the uses and maintenance of the compound microscope. सामान्य नेत्रों से न दिखाई देने वाली वस्तुओं या रचनाओं का अवलोकन करने के लिए सूक्ष्मदर्शी का उपयोग किया जाता है । सामान्यतया 0.1 मि॰मी॰ से छोटी वस्तु को हमारे नेत्र नहीं देख पाते अत: इससे छोटी वस्तुओं को देखने में सूक्ष्मदर्शी सहायक होता [...]

By |2017-03-07T19:54:28+00:00March 7, 2017|Compound Microscope|Comments Off on Compound Microscope: Meaning, Parts and Uses | Hindi | Science

Design of Atomic Force Microscope (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the design of atomic force microscope, explained with the help of a diagram. An atomic force microscope instead of using a lens is provided with a probe to examine the surface of a specimen with a sharp tip which may be several micrometers in and less than 10 nm in diameter at the [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:35+00:00December 20, 2016|Microscope|Comments Off on Design of Atomic Force Microscope (With Diagram)

Transmission Electron Microscope (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the design of transmission electron microscope, explained with the help of a diagram. In TEM a finely focused beam of electrons from an electron gun is passed through a specially prepared ultra thin section of the specimen. The beam is focused on a small area of the specimen by an electromagnetic condenser lens. [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:35+00:00December 20, 2016|Microscope|Comments Off on Transmission Electron Microscope (With Diagram)
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