Archive | Malaria

Human Infecting Malarial Parasite | Sporozoa

Comparative account of four species of human infecting malarial parasite: 1. P. Vivax: i. Geographical distribution: In tropical, sub­tropical and war­mer temperate regions. ii. Duration of pre-erythrocytic schizogony: 10-14 days iii. No. of crypto- zoites formed per schizont: 10,000-12,000 (approx.) iv. Incubation peri­od: 14 days v. Duration of ery­throcytic schizo­gony: 2 days vi. Form in peri­pheral blood during erythro­cytic schizo­gony: [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Malaria|Comments Off on Human Infecting Malarial Parasite | Sporozoa

Fever Stages in Vivax Malaria | Sporozoa

Each attack of fever shows three successive stages: i. Cold stage: At the beginning of malaria fever the patient suffers from a severe shaking chill. ii. Hot stage: As the chill subsides, the body temperature rises as high as 41° C or 106° F. iii. Sweating stage: D As the temperature lowers down, the patient sweats profusely. Malaria fever takes [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Malaria|Comments Off on Fever Stages in Vivax Malaria | Sporozoa

Malaria Relapses (With Diagram) | Sporozoa

The below mentioned article provides notes on malaria relapses. Malaria as a chill and fever disease is known to mankind for a long time. Except the 'ovale malaria' the malarial relapses are very well known in the human malarias. In tertian malaria relapses have been found to take place after 6-12 months of primary infection. The short term malaria have [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 4, 2016|Malaria|Comments Off on Malaria Relapses (With Diagram) | Sporozoa
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