Archive | Inheritance in Plants

Biology Notes on Plastid Inheritance | Genetics

Plastids are cytoplasmic organelles which contain DNA and duplicate themselves independently of nuclear genes, and are distributed more or less equally to daughter cells during mitosis. While studying leaf pigmentation in Mirabilis jalapa (four O'clock plant), Correns (1909) found for the first time that plastids could be transmitted to the offspring through the egg cytoplasm. In a variegated strain of [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:41+00:00December 12, 2016|Inheritance in Plants|Comments Off on Biology Notes on Plastid Inheritance | Genetics

Physical Basis of Inheritance: Chromosomes and Genes | Botany

In the below mentioned article, we will discuss about the physical basis of inheritance. The earlier geneticists had a conception of heredity quite different from the modern idea based on chromosomes. Early in the eighteenth century the idea of performation prevailed. It was supposed that the future human body was already present in a minia­ture form as the 'homonculus' (also [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:19:30+00:00February 2, 2016|Inheritance in Plants|Comments Off on Physical Basis of Inheritance: Chromosomes and Genes | Botany

Inheritance Types: Top 14 Types of Inheritance in Plants

The following points highlight the fourteen types of inheritance in Plants. The types are: (1) Simple Inheritance (2) Incomplete Dominance or Blending Inheritance (1:2:1 Ratio) (3) Simple Interaction (9:3:3:1 Ratio) (4) Epistasis (5) Supplementary Gene or Recessive Epistasis (9:3:4 Ratio) (6) Inhibitory Genes (13:3 Ratio) (7) Lethal Genes (8) Complementary Genes (9:7 and 9:6:1 Ratios) (9) Supplementary and Complementary Genes [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:19:30+00:00February 2, 2016|Inheritance in Plants|Comments Off on Inheritance Types: Top 14 Types of Inheritance in Plants
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