Archive | Embryology

Embryo: Meaning, Development and Modes (With Diagrams) | Botany

Let us make an in-depth study of Embryo. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Meaning of Embryo 2. Development of Embryo in Dicots 3. Development of Embryo in Monocots 4. Incompatibility  5. Special Modes of Reproduction. Meaning of Embryo: After fertilization, the fertilized egg is called zygote or oospore which develops into an embryo. The oospore before [...]

By |2016-02-02T15:37:18+00:00February 2, 2016|Embryology|Comments Off on Embryo: Meaning, Development and Modes (With Diagrams) | Botany

Essay on the History of Embryology (2476 Words) | Biology

This essay provides information about the History of Embryology! Life and death have been fascinating subjects and have remained mysteries from time immemorial. How living beings came into existence? What is death? What happens after death? All these have been interesting subjects to scientists and have remained unsolved mysteries. Fragmentary knowledge was available during different stages of development of animals [...]

By |2015-08-27T18:56:17+00:00August 4, 2013|Embryology|Comments Off on Essay on the History of Embryology (2476 Words) | Biology
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