Archive | Embryology

Cleavage: Meaning, Planes and Types | Embryology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Cleavage 2. Planes of Cleavage 3. Types 4. Effects of Yolk 5. Mechanism 6. Chemical Changes 7. Different Chordates 8. Importance in Embryonic Pattern. Contents: Meaning of Cleavage Planes of Cleavage Types of Cleavage Effects of Yolk in Cleavage Mechanism of Cleavage Chemical Changes during Cleavage Cleavage in Different Chordates [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:29:47+00:00October 13, 2016|Embryology|Comments Off on Cleavage: Meaning, Planes and Types | Embryology

Extraembryonic Structures and Chick Embryo | Embryology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Extraembryonic Structures in Chick Embryo 2. Formation of Yolk Sac and its Fate 3. Formation of Amnion and Serosa 4. Formation of Allantois. Meaning of Extraembryonic Structures in Chick Embryo: The embryo of chick possesses four extra­embryonic or foetal membranes: namely, the yolk sac, the allantois, the amnion and the [...]

By |2016-10-13T19:29:47+00:00October 13, 2016|Embryology|Comments Off on Extraembryonic Structures and Chick Embryo | Embryology

Top 16 Stages of Embryology in Plants (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the top sixteen stages of embryology in plants. Some of the stages are: 1. T.S. Young (developing) Anther 2. T.S. Anther Showing Four Mature Pollen Sacs 3. T.S. Mature Anther Showing Dehiscence 4. Pollen Tetrads 5. Pollen Grain 6. Ovule Types 7. L.S. Anatropous Ovule 8. Archesporial Initial 9. Two-celled Stage of Megaspore Mother Cell 10. [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:30:20+00:00May 27, 2016|Embryology|Comments Off on Top 16 Stages of Embryology in Plants (With Diagram)
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