Archive | DNA

Recombinant DNA (Rdna) Technology Involves The Following Stages

Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology involves the following six stages: 1. Isolation of the Genetic Material (DNA) 2. Cutting of DNA at Specific Locations 3. Amplification of Gene of Interest Using PCR 4. Preparation and Insertion of Recombinant DNA into the Host Cell/Organism  5. Obtaining the Foreign Gene Product! 1. Isolation of the Genetic Material (DNA): Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) [...]

By |2015-08-27T18:38:07+00:00November 26, 2013|DNA|Comments Off on Recombinant DNA (Rdna) Technology Involves The Following Stages

DNA: Types, Structure and Function of DNA

Read this article to learn about the history, types, structure, silent features and functions of DNA: Historical: Nucleic acids were first isolated by Friedrich Miescher (1869) from pus cells. They were named nuclein. Hertwig (1884) proposed nuclein to be the carrier of hereditary traits. Because of their acidic nature they were named nucleinic acids and then nucleic acids (Altmann, 1899). [...]

By |2015-08-27T18:40:00+00:00November 26, 2013|DNA|Comments Off on DNA: Types, Structure and Function of DNA

Biosynthesis of DNA Replication | Biology

This article provides useful notes on the Biosynthesis of DNA Replication! The biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in vitro through polymerization of nucleoside triphosphates in the presence of the appropriate enzyme was first successfully completed by Kornberg, and for this he received the Nobel Prize in 1959. The nucleic acid DNA consists of four kinds of nucleotides: units of purine [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:02:08+00:00August 4, 2013|DNA|Comments Off on Biosynthesis of DNA Replication | Biology
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