Archive | DNA

Recombinant DNA Technology (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about Recombinant DNA Technology:- 1.Steps in Recombinant DNA Technology 2. Tools for Recombinant DNA Technology 3. Techniques Used In Recombinant DNA Technology 4. Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology. Steps in Recombinant DNA Technology: Basic steps involved in rec DNA technology (or genetic engineering) are given below (Fig. 1): i. Selection and isolation of DNA [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:22:58+00:00February 2, 2016|Recombinant DNA Technology|Comments Off on Recombinant DNA Technology (With Diagram)

Study Notes on DNA Sequencing (With Diagram)

DNA sequencing has provided a new approach for studying evolutionary relationships, since: 1. All organisms have a genome 2. The genes that code for vital cellular functions are conserved to a remarkable degree through evolutionary time 3. Even these genes accumulate random changes with time (usually in the regions that are not vital for function). In this respect the gene [...]

By |2016-02-02T08:22:58+00:00February 2, 2016|DNA Sequence|Comments Off on Study Notes on DNA Sequencing (With Diagram)

7 Steps Involved in the Preparation of a Recombinant DNA

The following points highlight the seven steps involved in the preparation of a recombinant DNA. The steps are: 1. Selection of Target DNA 2. Selection of a Suitable Cloning Vector DNA or Vehicle DNA 3. Selection of Restriction Endonucleases 4. Procedure for Production of Recombinant DNA (rDNA) 5. Introduction of the rDNA into a Host Cell 6. Selection of the [...]

By |2015-12-21T07:38:06+00:00December 1, 2015|Recombinant DNA Technology|Comments Off on 7 Steps Involved in the Preparation of a Recombinant DNA
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