Archive | Cell Biology

Growth Limiting Nutrient in the Designed Medium

Identification of growth limiting nutrient is essential since bioprocess design criteria in pure culture system is primarily centred around it. In gluconic acid fermentation in order to know the limiting nutrient between glucose and ammonium acetate two sets of fermentations were conducted to observe the effect of different concentrations of glucose and ammonium acetate on the growth of this organism [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:19:04+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Growth Limiting Nutrient in the Designed Medium

Medium Design Procedure (2 Methods)

Design of medium is carried out on the basis of the objective set for. Growth and Production Medium: All growth processes are endergonic. In the course of cellular growth, organic and inorganic molecules like glucose, NH3, water and CO2 may be synthesized to form biomass product. Supply of energy is needed for growth. It must come from chemical energy of [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:19:39+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Medium Design Procedure (2 Methods)

Medium Engineering: Definition and Basic Concept (Diagram)

In fermentation or bioprocessing, microbial/enzymic or biochemical reactions need appropriate designing of the medium in which reactions occur. Many technological concerns are involved in medium design engineering (Fig. 3.1) in bioprocessing. For fermentative processing this need is to establish the most economic medium for any particular fermentation taking care of certain basic requirements to be met by any nutritional medium. [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:19:46+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Medium Engineering: Definition and Basic Concept (Diagram)
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