Archive | Biotic Community

Relationship between Standing Crop and Energy Flow

The relationship between the standing crop and the energy flow is very important. In the energy flow diagram (Fig. 4.4), the "boxes" represent the biomass of the standing crop of organisms functioning at the trophic level indicated, and the "pipes" represent the energy flow in and out of each level. The energy flows are greatly reduced with each successive trophic [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:47:33+00:00November 29, 2014|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Relationship between Standing Crop and Energy Flow

Biotic Community: Structure and Characteristics – Explained!

Ecologists have given variety of meanings to the term community (Schoener, 1986; Fauth et al., 1996). The term has been used by many of them for associations of plants and animals occurring in a particular locality and dominated by one or more prominent species or by some physical characteristic (Daubermiire, 1968). A community, technically often referred to as biota or [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:47:42+00:00November 29, 2014|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Biotic Community: Structure and Characteristics – Explained!

Interdependence of Species in a Biotic Community

Each species of organism - microbe, animal, or plant making up the community is obviously influenced in its existence and activities not only by the inanimate physical and chemical environment but by other species of the community as well. This interdependence among different species is usually for food, reproduction and protection. (A) Interdependence for Food: Charles Elton described communities in [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:47:49+00:00November 29, 2014|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Interdependence of Species in a Biotic Community
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