Archive | Biotic Community

Biotic Community: Origin and Characteristics | Ecology

In this article we will discuss about the origin and characteristics of biotic community. Origin of Biotic Community: All the living things make the biotic system of the earth. Neither organisms nor species populations exist by themselves in nature, but are always part of an assemblage of different species populations living together in the same area. Any assemblage of populations [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:10:22+00:00September 16, 2016|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Biotic Community: Origin and Characteristics | Ecology

Succession in Plant Communities | Ecology

The following points highlight the top two types of succession in plant communities. The types are: 1. Succession on a Bare Rock (Xerarch) 2. Succession in Aquatic Environment (Hydrarch). Type # 1. Succession on a Bare Rock (Xerarch): For example, in the succession from bare rock, there must first be the long process of rebuilding the soil. Organisms such as [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:10:18+00:00September 16, 2016|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Succession in Plant Communities | Ecology

Characteristics of Plant Communities | Ecology

In this article we will discuss about the analytical and synthetic characteristics of plant communities. Generally, analysis of community characters is being done for two specific purposes: (i) To record variation within and between communities and (ii) For naming and classifying communities. Analytical characteristics are those features of community which can be observed or measured directly in each aspect. It [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:10:16+00:00September 16, 2016|Biotic Community|Comments Off on Characteristics of Plant Communities | Ecology
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