Archive | Tissues

Preparation of Animal Tissue Slide | Hindi | Practical | Biology

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the preparation of animal tissue slide. जन्तु-ऊतकों अध्ययन जीवित जन्तु के मटेरियल से करना बेहतर होता है किन्तु कुछ गतिविधि जैसे पेशी-तन्तु एवं तंत्रिका- कोशिका परिरक्षित जन्तु से भी किया जा सकता है । यहाँ आपको शल्काभ एपीथीलियम, मेंढक या मानव-रक्त, पेशी-तन्तु एवं तंत्रिका-कोशिका के अध्ययन हेतु अस्थाई स्लाईड निर्माण विधि बतलाई [...]

By |2017-03-08T18:37:45+00:00March 8, 2017|Tissues|Comments Off on Preparation of Animal Tissue Slide | Hindi | Practical | Biology

4 Main Types of Tissues Seen in Animals

The following points highlight the four main types of tissues seen in animals. The types are: 1. Epithelial Tissues 2. Connective Tissue 3. Muscular Tissue 4. Nervous Tissue. Type # 1. Epithelial Tissues: The cells taking part in this type of animal tissue have a regular, well-defined shape and scanty intercellular substance. They are usually in contact with one another [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:44+00:00May 27, 2016|Tissues|Comments Off on 4 Main Types of Tissues Seen in Animals
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