Archive | Phylum Protozoa

Study Notes on Euglena Viridis (With Digram)

In this article we will discuss about Euglena Viridis:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Euglena Viridis 2. Structure of Euglena Viridis 3. Locomotion 4. Nutrition 5. Respiration 6. Excretion 7. Osmoregulation 8. Reproduction 9. Encystment 10. Sensitivity. Contents: Habit and Habitat of Euglena Viridis Structure of Euglena Viridis Locomotion of Euglena Viridis Nutrition in Euglena Viridis Respiration in Euglena Viridis [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Study Notes on Euglena Viridis (With Digram)

Locomotion Exhibited by Protozoans

The following points highlight the three main types of locomotion exhibited by protozoans. The types of locomotion are: 1. Amoeboid Movement 2. Flagellar Movement 3. Ciliary Movement. Protozoans: Type of Locomotion # 1. Amoeboid Movement: In Amoeba, movement of the animal is made by the throwing of pseudopodium (Fig. 10.60), called amoeboid movement. This is the most primitive kind of [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Locomotion Exhibited by Protozoans
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