Archive | Phylum Protozoa

Species of Trypanosoma | Microbiology

The following points highlight the four important species of Trypanosoma for which man is host. The species are: 1. Trypanosoma Gambiense 2. Trypanosoma Rhodesiense 3. Trypanosoma Cruzi 4. Trypanosoma Rangeli. Species # 1. Trypanosoma Gambiense: It was discovered by Forde in 1901. Sir David Bruce reported that sleeping sickness is transmitted by tseitseily. T. gambiense is the causative agent of [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:29+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Species of Trypanosoma | Microbiology

Species of Trichomonas | Phylum Protozoa

The following points highlight the three important species of Trichomonas for which man is host. The species are: 1. Trichomonas Vaginalis 2. Trichomonas Hominis 3. Trichomonas Tenax. Species # 1. Trichomonas Vaginalis: This is largest of three trichomonads of man. It averages about 13 um in length. The undulating membrane usually reaches to the middle of the body, but it [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:29+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Species of Trichomonas | Phylum Protozoa

7 Parasitic Forms of Flagellates | Phylum Protozoa

List of seven parasitic forms of flagellates:- 1. Giardia Lamblia 2. Trichomonas Hominis 3. Trichomonas Vaginalis 4. Haemoflagellates 5. Trypanosoma Cruzi 6. Trypanosoma Gambiense 7. Leishmanias. Parasitic Form # 1. Giardia Lamblia: It is also known as Giardia intestinalis and it lives as parasite in the intestine of man and causes a disease called giardiasis. The distribution is cosmo­politan. Trophozoites [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:15+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on 7 Parasitic Forms of Flagellates | Phylum Protozoa
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