Archive | Phylum Protozoa

Entamoeba Histolytica and Plasmodium Vivax | Phylum Protozoa

Learn about the comparison between Entamoeba Histolytica and Plasmodium Vivax. Comparison # Entamoeba Histolytica: 1. Disease caused by Entamoeba Histolytica is termed as Amoebiasis which leads to ulcer. 2. Entamoeba Histolytica is found in the colon of man and many vertebrates. This intercellular parasite invades other vital organs in case of heavy infection. 3. Entamoeba Histolytica  exists in two forms—trophic [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:04+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Entamoeba Histolytica and Plasmodium Vivax | Phylum Protozoa

Example of Phylum Protozoa: Elphidium

In this article we will discuss about Elphidium:- 1. Habit, Habitat and Structure of Elphidium 2. Nutrition in Elphidium 3. Reproduction. Habit, Habitat and Structure of Elphidium: Elphidium is a marine protozoa and is very common on the shore. Structure of Elphidium: Body of the Elphidium is covered with a perforated calcareous shell or crest and it looks more or [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:04+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Example of Phylum Protozoa: Elphidium

Study Notes on Amoeba Proteus

In this article we will discuss about Amoeba Proteus:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Amoeba Proteus 2. Structure of Amoeba Proteus 3. Locomotion 4. Nutrition 5. Respiration 6. Excretion 7. Osmoregulation 8. Reproduction 9. Encystment 10. Sensitivity. Contents: Habit and Habitat of Amoeba Proteus Structure of Amoeba Proteus Locomotion of Amoeba Proteus Nutrition in Amoeba Proteus Respiration in Amoeba Proteus [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:35:53+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Study Notes on Amoeba Proteus
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