Archive | Amino Acids

Amino Acids: Concept, Classification and Reactions

Let us make an in-depth study of the amino acids. After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Concept of Amino Acids 2. Classification of Amino Acids and 3. Reactions of Amino Acids. Concept of Amino Acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Among the thousands of amino acids available in nature, proteins contain only 20 different [...]

By |2015-12-21T07:38:17+00:00December 1, 2015|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Amino Acids: Concept, Classification and Reactions

Microbial Production of 7 Types of Amino Acids

This article throws light upon the microbial production of 7 types of amino acids. The seven types are: (1) Amino Acid (2) L-Glutamic Acid (3) L-Lysine (4) L-Threonine (5) L-Phenylalanine (6) L-Tryptophan and (7) L-Aspartic Acid. Type # 1. Amino Acid: Some general considerations on the production methods, and the development of strains of microorganisms for improved amino acid production [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:31+00:00September 21, 2015|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Microbial Production of 7 Types of Amino Acids

Commercial Applications of Amino Acids: 3 Applications

This article throws light upon the three applications of amino acids. The three applications are: (1) Food Industry Application (2) Pharmaceutical Industry Application (3) Chemical Industry Application. The individual L-amino acids (except glycine) along with their production methods and uses are given in Table 26.1. The applications are broadly discussed hereunder. Application # 1. Food Industry: Amino acids are used [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:32+00:00September 21, 2015|Amino Acids|Comments Off on Commercial Applications of Amino Acids: 3 Applications
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