In this article we will discuss about Wormseed:- 1. Botanical Name of Wormseed 2. Family of Wormseed 3. Description 4. Distribution 5. Parts Used 6. Preparation 7. Constituents 8. Uses 9. Average Dose.


  1. Botanical Name of Wormseed
  2. Family of Wormseed
  3. Description of Wormseed
  4. Distribution of Wormseed
  5. Parts Used in Wormseed
  6. Preparation of Wormseed
  7. Constituents of Wormseed
  8. Uses of Wormseed
  9. Average Dose of Wormseed

1. Botanical Name of Wormseed:



2. Family of Wormseed:


3. Description of Wormseed:

Small, aromatic, perennial under shrub with oblique, knotted rootstock from which arise many ascending leafy shoots; stems much branched. Leaves small, 2-3 cm. long, multi-pinnatifid; upper smaller with less segments. Inflorescence-branches terminal with numerous small floral heads or capitula; capitula 2 mm. across, 2-4 mm. long, obtuse, with 12-18 involucral scales, enclosing 3-5 tubular flowers.

4. Distribution of Wormseed:

A. cina is indigenous to W. Asia but is now cultivated in America. A. maritima occurs in Eurpoe and is distributed eastwards to Mongolia. It is also found in W. Asia, N. Pakistan and N. W. India.

5. Parts Used in Wormseed:

Although commercially called wormseed, the material is actually the dried flower heads or the capitula.

6. Preparation of Wormseed:

The flower heads are collected in midsummer before the flowers open. The santonin content is highest at that time, 2.5-3.5% and decreases afterwards.

The flower heads are rapidly dried. These are then finely crushed and subjected to steam distilation. The volatile oil thus obtained is treated with milk of lime and the soluble salt calcium santoninate is formed.

The filtered solution is converted to sodium santoninate by treating with sodium hydroxide. Carbon dioxide is passed in when calcium carbonate is precipitated and this is removed by filtration.

The filtrate is warmed and santoninic acid separates out on cooling. The santoninic acid lactonises to santonin (E15H13Os). The precipitate is filtered, dissolved in alcohol, decolorised by animal charcoal and purified by recrystallization.

Description of the drug:

Santonin is a neutral colourless crystalline powder. It is sparingly soluble in water and cold alcohol but readily dissolves in hot alcohol, chloroform and benzene. On exposure to sunlight it turns yellow. It is therefore preserved in coloured bottles.

When 200 mg. of colourless santonin is heated with 2 ml. of alcoholic potassium hydroxide a red colour is produced. Santonica or sontonin powder is odorless and nearly tasteless at first but afterwards develops a bitter taste and camphor like odour.

7. Constituents of Wormseed:

In addition to santonin there is another volatile oil consisting of cineol with some dipentene and artemisin.

8. Uses of Wormseed:

Santonin is effective in round worm, ascarids and oxyurids.

9. Average Dose of Wormseed:

The dose is more than 60 mg. for adults and less than 60 mg. for children. Each dose must be followed by a saline cathartic. This should be repeated for 2-3 consecu­tive days. Santonin should not be given to infants.
