In this article we will discuss about Adhatoda:- 1. Botanical Name of Adhatoda 2. Family of Adhatoda 3. Description 4. Distribution 5. Uses 6. Average Dose.


  1. Botanical Name of Adhatoda
  2. Family of Adhatoda
  3. Description of Adhatoda
  4. Distribution of Adhatoda
  5. Uses of Adhatoda
  6. Average Dose of Adhatoda

1. Botanical Name of Adhatoda:

ADHATODA ZEYLANICA Medic. Syn. A.vasica Nees. Justicea adhatoda Linn

2. Family of Adhatoda:


3. Description of Adhatoda:

Adhatoda is a tall shrubs, up to 2.5 mtr. high; younger parts tomentose. Leaves are opposite, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, accuminate, obtuse or acute at base, entire, up to 18 cm long; petiole 1.5 – 2.5 cm. long; secondary veins 10 – 13 pairs; tomentose when young, glabrous afterwards.

Inflorescence a dense terminal spike up to 7.5 cm. long on a peduncle up to 8 cm. long, or a fascicle at the axil of upper leaves, bracteate; bracts broadly elliptic, 5 – 7 — nerved from the base, longer than calyx, bracteoles oblong — lanceolate, 1-nerved, ciliate at the margin. Flowers sub sessile, bisexual, zygomorphic, hypogynous. Calyx shortly campanulate with 5 lanceolate acute lobes, up to 1.2 cm long.


Corolla bilabiate, white with pinkish violet tinge at the throat up to 3 cm. long, minutely pubescent outside; tube up to 1.2 cm. long, narrow at base, much inflated above; upper lip ovate-oblong, notched at the middle, lower lip 3-lobed, recurred, oblong with rounded tip, the middle one broader; lips of corolla imbricate.

Stamens 2, inserted at the throat of corolla; filaments hairy at base; anthers 2-celled; cells oblong, minutely apiculate, one cell little higher up than the other. A cup-like disc usually present.

Ovary bicarpellary syncarpous, 2-celled, superior, tomentpse; ovules 2 in each cell; style filiform, subclavate above; stigma entire. Fruit a clavate capsule upto 2 cm. long, contracted below into a solid stipe. Seeds 1 or 2, 5-6 mm. sub orbicular, compressed, glabrous and rugose.

4. Distribution of Adhatoda:

This is found in the plains of India in wild condition and is cultivated in a small scale in village shrubberies. Outside India it is found in Bangladesh, Burma, Malaya and Sri Lanka.

Parts used: Leaves; fresh or dry.

Constituents: Alkaloid vasicine and adhatodic acid.

5. Uses of Adhatoda:

It is an expectorant and in asthma is antispasmodic. It is used in the form of a liquid extract in alcohol or freshly expressed juice. Powder of dry leaves is also used.

6. Average Dose of Adhatoda:

Alcoholic extract — 1.3-4 ml; fresh juice — 4-15 ml.

Powder — 18 grains.
