The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between stomochord and notochord.

Difference # Stomochord:

1. The stomochord arises as an out pocketing from the roof of the embryonic gut, ante­rior to the pharynx.

2. Endodermal derivative.

3. It has a narrow lumen, opening into the pharynx.

4. The wall of the lumen is composed of a single layer of long and very narrow cells that contain turgid intracellular vacuoles.

5. The outer surface of the stomochord con­sists of epithelial cells, like those of buccal cavity, as well as ciliated glandular cells.

6. The structure is not supportive. It helps in locomotion.

Difference # Notochord:

1. The notochord is developed from the dorsal wall of the embryonic gut. It lies below the central nervous system and above the coelom.

2. Mesodermal derivative.

3. It has no such cavity.

4. The core of the notochord is composed of fluid-filled vacuolated cells.

5. The outer surface that envelopes the core tissue, is a tough sheath of fibrous connec­tive tissue.

6. The structure is of supportive nature.

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