The upcoming discussion will update you about the differences between transpiration and guttation.


1. Water is lost in the form of vapours.

2. It occurs through stomata’s, lenticels and cuticle.

3. It occurs mostly during the day when temperature is comparatively higher.

4. It occurs through all aerial plant parts.

5. It takes place under dry conditions which do not favour water loss through diffusion.

6. Excessive transpiration under deficit water supply can cause wilting.

7. It takes place as long as stomata are open.

8. It is regulated by a number of factors, the chief being the opening & closing of stomata.


1. Water is lost in the form of liquid droplets.

2. It occurs through hydathodes.

3. It occurs during the cold hours of night and early morning.

4. It occurs at vein-ends on the margin or tips of the leaves where hydathodes are present.

5. It takes place under humid conditions which favour water loss through diffusion.

6. It does not take place under deficit water and never results in wilting.

7. It takes place only under conditions of adequate water supply and cold and humid hours of night or early morning.

8. It continues as long as adequate supply of water is maintained and the environment is cold and humid.
