Here is a term paper on ‘Blood Transfusion Reaction’. Find paragraphs, long and short term papers on ‘Blood Transfusion Reaction’ especially written for college and paramedical students.
Term Paper on Blood Transfusion Reaction
Term Paper # 1. Introduction to Blood Transfusion Reaction:
Blood Bank where the recipient receives the blood through intravenous route by using giving set for transfusion purpose. The giving set has two needle on each end, one enters the bottle and the other enters into the patients vein. The blood bottle stored in the blood bank shouldn’t be more than 21 days old and store at 4°C. Once the blood is check out from the Blood Bank it should be transfuse within 15 mins.
Blood for transfusion purpose should never be kept at room temp for not more than 15 mins.
Transfusion Reaction:
Incompatible blood of donor when given to the patient will caused transfusion reaction in the recipient. This can be life threatening blood transfusion always involve some amount of risk because identical blood of donor and recipient is rare.
The risk is greatly minimized by modern blood banking procedure. Transfusion reaction occur due to human error. Irrespective of the region the reaction should be investigated to determine the same.
The manifestations of transfusion reaction are vary but commonly there is pyrexia (fever) with or without rigor (shivering) and patient may develop oliguria and anuria. All are severe reaction.
The transfusion should at once stop and post investigated others reactions like allergy body-ache back ache, headache, vomiting may occur. The reaction may be due to incompatibility between antibodies and blood group antigens but considering this other possible causes may also be considered.
Term Paper # 2. Cause of Blood Transfusion Reaction:
1. Transfusion of Hemolysed Blood:
a. Hemolysis may be due to age at blood.
b. Heating of blood above 37°C.
c. Freezing of blood.
d. Incorrect anticoagulant
e. Patient usually becomes febrile and jaundice develop within 12-24 hours.
2. Transfusion of Infected Blood:
Which cause rapid outset of severe or source time total reactions (gram- ve organism may multiply at 4°C without causing hemolysis)
3. Transfusion of Blood Containing Pyrogen:
They are derived from improperly prepared solution or equipments. Transfusion of blood containing allergens to which patient is positive. Accidental injection of Air usually due to defective apparatus.
4. Overloading of Circulation:
By giving too large volume of blood or administering in the presence of myocardial defect.
5. Transfusion of blood containing antigen and antibody of the patients in compatible.
6. Transfusion of blood containing an agent causing hepatitis.
Complication of Blood Transfusion:
i. Early complications
ii. Hemolytic reaction
iii. Febrile non hemolytic reaction
iv. Reaction due to infected blood
v. Allergic reaction to WBC, platelets and RBC. (anaphylatic reaction)
vi. Pyogenic reaction Febrile reaction. Pyrogen may come from the bottle. Precaution should be taken that equipment and solution and should be absolutely Sterile.
vii. Circulatory overload.
viii. Air embolism
ix. Hyperkalemia
x. Citrate toxicity
xi. Clotting abnormality
xii. Non cardiogenic pulmonary reaction.
xiii. Late complication delayed hemolytic reaction
xiv. Decrease transmission through blood.
xv. Syphilis
xvi. Cytomegalovirus infection
xvii. AIDS
It follows often greater than 100 transfusion.
Craft versus Host Diseases:
Severely immuno suppressive patients in for us of fever, skin rashes, hepatitis, Diarrhea, bone marrow suppression and fatal outcome Post transfusion purpura.
Term Paper # 3. Laboratory Investigation of Blood Transfusion Reactions:
If the patient indicate the signs of hemolytic reaction discomfort, chill, fever. Stop the transfusion and proceed for investigation. After occurrence of transfusion reaction should be immediately reported to the blood sampling lab or Blood Bank this required recheck of every aspect of transfusion testing’s as well as serological tests.
The following are required for investigation of transfusion reaction:
i. All the lab or blood bank or all relevant paper work
ii. Patient identification
iii. No of unit transmits
iv. Cross matching result
v. Report of pre-transfusion
vi. Post transfusion urine sample
vii. Post transfusion blood sample
viii. Pre transfusion blood sample of patient
ix. Donor blood bottle and match specimen
x. The donor’s pilot tubes
xi. Patients original cross match specimen
Inspection of post transfusion urine sample for the presence of hemolysis. Centrifuge the specimen to see if the red color appear in the supernatant – Hemoglobinouria or if goes down with sediment. Centrifuge the post transfusion blood specimen. Examine patient serum for hemolysis yellow coloration of plasma is indicated of bilirubin and suggest recent hemolysis.
Compare patient pre-transfusion and post transfusion specimen. Pink or red discoloration in post transfusion serum and not in pre-transfusion serum is indicative of presence of free hemoglobin from destruction of RBC of donor.
Look for donors blood for possible contamination and hemolysis. Consider a bacterial contamination if the cell are plasma has brownish and purple discoloration, clots of abnormal masses in the blood, the plasma is muddy and opaque and there is a peculiar odour.
Perform regrouping of donor pilot tube or blood sample the blood in the bottle and turbidity repeat the cross matching.
Re-cross and retied patient pre-transfusion blood sample and post transfusion specimen within the donor’s blood. Culture the blood in the bottle for bacteria.
If there is no evidence of hemolysis in the blood and no free haemoglobin in the urine, then the patient has not had the hemolytic reaction but a pyogenic or allergic reaction.
If there is evidence of hemolysis in the blood and in urine (Hemoglobinuria) a hemolytic reaction has occurs.
If the recording matching source incompatible than the first cross match was done wrongly and recorded in error.
If the records match with the original patient is compatible but the cross match with the new patient the blood is incompatible. The mistake lies in mistaken identification of the patient either one first-sample for donor at the time of transfusion.