Tag Archives | Water Pollution

Water Pollution and Its Impact on Health | Ecology

After reading this article you will learn about water pollution and its impact on health. Water is among the most essential requisites that nature has provided to sustain life on earth. About 80% of earth's surface is covered by water. The deteriorating quality of water is creating various problems for the mankind. The growth in popu­lation, about 90 per cent [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:34+00:00December 13, 2016|Water Pollution|Comments Off on Water Pollution and Its Impact on Health | Ecology

Pollutants of Water

Global water resources today is extremely polluted due to a number of reasons. The pollutants may be various inorganic salts, metals, pesticides, oil & grease, aromatics and also a variety of pathogenic organisms. Most of the surface fresh water bod­ies, ground water, and coastal marine water gets polluted over the years. The major water pollut­ants and their sources are depicted [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:31+00:00December 13, 2016|Water Pollutants|Comments Off on Pollutants of Water

Science Fair Project on Water Pollution

Do you want to create an amazing science fair project on water pollution ? You are in the right place. Read the below given article to get a complete idea on water pollution: 1. Meaning of Water Pollution 2. Sources of Water Pollution 3. Types 4. Effects 5. Prevention and Controls. Contents: Science Fair Project on the Meaning of Water [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:34:58+00:00October 20, 2016|Water Pollution|Comments Off on Science Fair Project on Water Pollution
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