Tag Archives | Vertebrata

Dissection of Toad (With Diagram) | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the dissection of toad. Also learn about:- 1. Dissection of Alimentary System 2. The Circulatory System 3. Dissection of Venous System 4. Dissection of Arterial System 5. Dissection of Cranial Nerves 6. Dissection of Spinal and Sympathetic Nerves 7. Dissection of Brain 8. Dissection of Urinogenital System 9. The Urinary (Excretory) System 10. [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:06:34+00:00August 24, 2016|Dissection|Comments Off on Dissection of Toad (With Diagram) | Zoology

Structure of Different Vertebrata | Zoology

In this article we will discuss about the structure of different vertebrata. Skull: 1. Presence of cranium, sensory capsules, foramen magnum and jaws. Ready identification: Identification: Skull Bufo, Rana: Subphylum Vertebrata: 1. Cranium bony or cartilagenous and encloses a cavity. 2. Cranium constituted by three rings— occipital, parietal and frontal. 3. Sense capsules—olfactory, optic and otic. 4. Foramina for cranial [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:06:29+00:00August 24, 2016|Vertebrata|Comments Off on Structure of Different Vertebrata | Zoology
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