Tag Archives | Types of Genes

Types of Genes Affecting Eukaryotes | Genetics

The different types of genes so far considered to be present and affecting the phenotypes of eukaryotes are: 1. Lethal Genes 2. Complementary Genes 3. Supplementary Genes 4. Inhibiting Genes 5. Duplicate Genes 6. Cumulative Genes 7. Collaborative Genes. Type # 1. Lethal Genes: The genes which are known to control the manifestation of some phenotype traits as well as [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:34:24+00:00December 12, 2016|Genetics|Comments Off on Types of Genes Affecting Eukaryotes | Genetics

Genes Types: Top 6 Types of Genes | Genetics

The following points highlight the six main types of genes. The types are: 1. Complementary Genes 2. Duplicate Genes 3. Polymeric Genes 4. Modifying Genes 5. Lethal Genes 6. Moveable Genes. Type # 1. Complementary Genes: Bateson and Punnett crossed two different white flowered varieties of sweet pea and obtained an F1 progeny of red flowered plants. On self-pollination the [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:43+00:00December 12, 2016|Genes Types|Comments Off on Genes Types: Top 6 Types of Genes | Genetics
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