Tag Archives | Toxicants

Mechanism of Action of Commonly Used Toxicants | Toxicology

An understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity is of practical and theoretical importance. Such information provides rational basis for interpreting descriptive toxicity data, estimating the probability that a xenobiotic will cause harmful effects, designing drugs and industrial chemicals that are less hazardous, and developing pesticides that are more selectively toxic for their respective target organisms. As a result of the [...]

By |2018-03-07T11:34:11+00:00March 7, 2018|Toxicants|Comments Off on Mechanism of Action of Commonly Used Toxicants | Toxicology

Classification of Toxicants Present in Food | Biochemistry

The following points highlight the three main classification of toxicants present in food. The classification are: 1. Naturally Occurring Toxicants 2. Toxicants from Microorganisms 3. Toxic Chemicals, Pesticides and Insecticides. 1. Naturally Occurring Toxicants: i. Lathyrism: a. This is a crippling disease accompanied by paralysis of the leg muscles occurring mostly in adults who consume large quan­tities of the seeds [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:13+00:00August 3, 2016|Food Toxicants|Comments Off on Classification of Toxicants Present in Food | Biochemistry
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