Tag Archives | Thallophytes

List of 35 Thallophytes | Fungi

Here is a list of thirty-five thallophytes found in fungi:- 1. Synchytrium 2. Saprolegnia 3. Phytophtora 4. Albugo 5. Peronospora 6. Mucor 7. Rhizopus 8. Cunninghamella 9. Saccharomyces 10. Aspergillus 11. Penicillium 12. Peziza 13. Aleuria 14. Ascobolus 15. Geoglossum 16. Phyllactinia 17. Daldenia 18. Xylaria 19. Neurospora 20. Polyporus 21. Schizophyllum 22. Stereum 23. Clavaria and a few others. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:23+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on List of 35 Thallophytes | Fungi

List of 37 Thallophytes | Algae

Here is a list of thirty-seven thallophytes:- 1. Gloeocapsa 2. Oscillatoria 3. Lyngbya 4. Nostoc 5. ANABAENA 6. Scytonema 7. Stegonema 8. Gloeotrichia 9. Rivularia 10. Westiellopsis 11. Nostocopsis 12. Pininularia 13. Biddulphia 14. Euglena 15. Chlamydomonas 16. Volvox 17. Ulothrix 18. Cladophora 19. Draparnaldia 20. Fristchiella 21. Coleochaete 22. Trentepohlia 23. Oedogonium 24. Zygnema and a few others. 1. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:22+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on List of 37 Thallophytes | Algae

Thallophytes Found in Lichens

The following points highlight the two main thallophytes found in lichens. The thallophytes are: 1. Parmelia (Foliose Ascolichen) 2. Dictyonema (= Cora) (Basidiolichen). Thallophytes # 1. Parmelia (Foliose Ascolichen): Thallus Morphology: Thallus is leaf-like, and attached to the substratum by a small portion of the thallus. Characteristic cup-shaped ascocarps (i.e., apothecia) are scattered on the mature central part of the [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:22+00:00May 16, 2016|Plant Kingdom|Comments Off on Thallophytes Found in Lichens
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