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Tests for Determination of Gastric Function

The following points highlight the four main tests for determination of gastric function. The tests are: 1. Examination of Resting Contents 2. Fractional Gastric Analysis using Test Meals 3. Examination of Contents after Stimulation 4. Tubeless Gastric Analysis. Tests for Determining Gastric Function: Examination of Resting Contents Fractional Gastric Analysis using Test Meals Examination of Contents after Stimulation Tubeless Gastric [...]

By |2016-08-06T14:13:03+00:00August 6, 2016|Gastric Function|Comments Off on Tests for Determination of Gastric Function

Tests for Assessing the Functions of Liver

The following points highlight the nine main tests for assessing the functions of liver. The tests are: 1. Bile Pigment Metabolism in Health and in Jaundice 2. Tests for Carbohydrate Metabolism 3. Tests for Plasma Protein Concentration 4. Tests for Detoxifying Functions 5. Test for Excretion of Foreign Substances 6. Tests for Blood Coagulation 7. Tests for Serum Enzymes and [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:11+00:00August 3, 2016|Liver|Comments Off on Tests for Assessing the Functions of Liver

Top 4 Types of Tests of Significance in Statistics

The following points highlight the top four types of tests of significance in statistics. The types are: 1. Student's T-Test or T-Test 2. F-test or Variance Ratio Test 3. Fisher's Z-Test or Z-Test 4. X2-Test (Chi-Square Test). Test of Significance: Type # 1. Student's T-Test or T-Test: It is one of the simplest tests used for drawing conclusions or interpretations [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:55:56+00:00July 12, 2016|Biostatistics|Comments Off on Top 4 Types of Tests of Significance in Statistics
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