Tag Archives | Taxonomy

Taxonomy: Embryology and Palynology | Angiosperms

Embryology in Taxonomy: Embryology is the study of the process of formation of embryo in a fertilised ovule, i.e., the study of the changes taking place in an ovule before and after the fertilisation. In other words, it is the study of: (a) Micro- and macro-sporogenesis in the diploid genera­tion, (b) Micro- and mega-gametophytes in the haploid generation and (c) [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:46:47+00:00July 25, 2016|Angiosperms|Comments Off on Taxonomy: Embryology and Palynology | Angiosperms

Taxonomy: History, Phases and Aims | Angiosperms

In this article we will discuss about Taxonomy which was started as “Folk Taxonomy” in earlier 15th century:- 1. History of Taxonomy 2. Phases of Taxonomy 3. Fundamental Components 4. Aims. History of Taxonomy: Plant taxonomy is one of the earliest disciplines of Botany. It was started as "Folk Taxonomy" in earlier 15th century but it has grown and gone very [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:59:05+00:00July 12, 2016|Angiosperms|Comments Off on Taxonomy: History, Phases and Aims | Angiosperms

Species Concept: History, Types and Categories | Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. History of Species Concept 2. Current Species Concepts 3. Types 4. Family and Higher Categories. History of Species Concept: The species, as we know, is the fundamental unit of taxonomic hierarchy. Davis (1978) called them 'Building bricks' in Biological classification. In biological phenomenon biosystematics concept is the oldest one. It is the [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:59:05+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxonomy|Comments Off on Species Concept: History, Types and Categories | Taxonomy
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