Tag Archives | Taxonomy

Taxonomy: Definition, Objectives and Characteristics

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definitions of Taxonomy 2. Objectives of Taxonomy 3. Characteristics. Definitions of Taxonomy: Taxonomy is the science dealing with classification. In biology or in any other field, systematic classification is necessary to bring an order in the apparent chaos, so that the different types in a heterogeneous assemblage can be arranged into groups [...]

By |2016-08-30T16:58:08+00:00August 30, 2016|Bacteria|Comments Off on Taxonomy: Definition, Objectives and Characteristics

Branches of Taxonomy (4 Branches)

The following points highlight the four major branches of Taxonomy. The branches are: 1. Cytotaxonomy 2. Chemotaxonomy 3. Numerical Taxonomy 4. Cladistics Taxonomy. Branch # 1. Cytotaxonomy: It is classification based on information provided by comparative cytological studies, number of chromosomes, structure and meiotic behaviour of chromo­somes. It is known that fewer and larger chromosomes have been formed in many [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:45+00:00August 17, 2016|Taxonomy|Comments Off on Branches of Taxonomy (4 Branches)

Taxonomy: Aims and Principles | Botany

A taxon is a biological group of any rank. Taxonomy is, therefore, the study of group­ing or classification. It provides evidences by use of which a system of classification is worked out. Systematics is a wider term comprising identification of an individual organism, assigning a proper rank to the same and giving it a name. However, taxonomy and systematics are [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:46:48+00:00July 25, 2016|Angiosperms|Comments Off on Taxonomy: Aims and Principles | Botany
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