Tag Archives | Split Genes

Split Genes: Introduction and Structure | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about the introduction and intron, exon structure of split genes. Introduction to Split Genes: It has been generally believed that a gene is a continuous, uninterrupted sequence of nucleotides which codes for a single polypeptide chain. Some recent work has shown that this may not always be so. The sequences of some eukaryotic genes [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:33+00:00December 12, 2016|Gene Structure|Comments Off on Split Genes: Introduction and Structure | Genetics

Split Genes: Discovery and Evolution (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the discovery and evolution of split genes. Discovery of Split Genes:  During 1970, in some mammalian viruses (e.g. adenoviruses) it was found that the DNA sequences coding for a polypeptide were not present continuously but were split into several pieces. Therefore, these genes were variously named as split genes or introns, interrupted genes [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:04:43+00:00November 28, 2016|Gene|Comments Off on Split Genes: Discovery and Evolution (With Diagram)
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