Tag Archives | Protoplasm

Methods used for Classification of Proteins | Protoplasm

In this article we will discuss about the methods used for classification of proteins. 1. Classification on the Basis of Chemical Composition of the Proteins: 1. Simple proteins: The proteins which contain only amino acids in their molecules are known as simple proteins, e.g., albumins, globulins, histones, prolamines and protamines. 2. Conjugated proteins: The proteins which contain amino acids and [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:38:56+00:00May 2, 2016|Protoplasm|Comments Off on Methods used for Classification of Proteins | Protoplasm

Compounds of Protoplasm: Inorganic and Organic

In this article we will discuss about the organic and inorganic compounds of protoplasm. Inorganic Compounds of Protoplasm: The inorganic components of the protoplasm mostly occur in the form of water, minerals and salts which are as follows: (i) Water: The most abundant inorganic constituent of the protoplasm is the water. Water constitutes about 65 to 80 per cent of [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:38:55+00:00May 2, 2016|Protoplasm|Comments Off on Compounds of Protoplasm: Inorganic and Organic
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