Tag Archives | Practicals

Microtomes: Types and Advantages | Practical Botany

In this article we will discuss about the types and advantages of using microtome. Types of Microtomes: The inherent defects of handmade sections can be eliminated by using a microtome. Three types of microtomes are available: Rotary, Rocking and Sliding Microtomes (Fig. 3.1). A Rotary microtome is worked by rotating a wheel fitted with a handle. The razor is placed [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:16+00:00October 20, 2016|Practicals|Comments Off on Microtomes: Types and Advantages | Practical Botany

Embedding Plant Tissues in Paraffin Blocks

The following points highlight the four methods of embedding plant tissues in paraffin blocks. The methods are: 1. Fixation 2. Washing 3. Dehydration 4. Infiltration. Method # 1. Fixation: (a) Flower buds: Flower buds of suitable size are rinsed in Carnoy's fluid for 5 sec. and then fixed in Nawaschin's fixative (Belling's modification) for 24 hours. Nawaschin A and B [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:15+00:00October 20, 2016|Plant Tissues|Comments Off on Embedding Plant Tissues in Paraffin Blocks

Hybridization Technique (With Diagram) | Plant Breeding

The following points highlight the five main steps of hybridization technique. The steps are: 1. Selection and Preparation of Parents 2. Emasculation 3. Bagging 4. Pollination 5. Selection. Hybridization Technique # Step 1. Selection and Preparation of Parents: The plant breeder must have a clear idea about the plants which he wants to use as parents — a subject which [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:40:15+00:00October 20, 2016|Plant Breeding|Comments Off on Hybridization Technique (With Diagram) | Plant Breeding
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