Tag Archives | Pollen Grains

Groups of Self-Incompatibility | Palynology

Self-incompatibility system can be divided into two basic groups: 1. Heteromorphic Systems 2. Homomorphic Systems. Group # 1. Heteromorphic Incompatibility: This incompatibility refers to those plants where the same species produces more than one morphological types of flower, where the relative length of the style (distyly and tristyly) and stamens differ. In distyly the plants produce two forms of flowers, [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:50+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Groups of Self-Incompatibility | Palynology

Adaptation of Pollen Grains in Plants | Palynology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Pollen Wall Adaptations 2. Harmomegathic Adaptation 3. Adaptation to Habitat 4. Adaptation to Mode of Pollination The Sporoderm structure, its chemical constituents and the diverse aperture types of pollen grains, has possibly developed as a need to adaptation in response to their respective habitats and mode of pollination. It has been seen [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:50+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Adaptation of Pollen Grains in Plants | Palynology

Layer of Pollen Grains | Palynology

The pollen grains are covered with two concentric wall layers, the outer exine and the inner intine. The stratification of pollen wall is primarily based upon optical microscopy of whole as well as sectioned grains and upon staining reactions of the strata. Recently such stratification is complemented by the biochemical analysis of the various pollen wall layers. The intine is [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:16:50+00:00November 28, 2016|Palynology|Comments Off on Layer of Pollen Grains | Palynology
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