Tag Archives | Phylum Annelida

Vermicomposting: Meaning, Process and Conditions

In this article we will discuss about Vermicomposting:- 1. Meaning of Vermicomposting 2. Participating Organisms of the Vermicomposting 3. Physical Conditions. Meaning of Vermicomposting: Vermicomposting is a method by which com­post or mixed manure of organic origin is pre­pared by the use of earthworms. It is a controlled degradation of the organic wastes for the consumption of earthworms, helps in [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:32+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on Vermicomposting: Meaning, Process and Conditions

Metamerism: Occurrence, Features and Types

In this article we will discuss about Metamerism in Annelids:- 1. Meaning of Metamerism 2. Occurrence of Metamerism 3. Characetristic Features 4. Types 5. Origin 6. Significance. Meaning of Metamerism: Metameric segmentation or metamerism is an architectural body plan in some animals in which the similar body segments and organ systems are serially repeated one after another. The similar body [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:20+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on Metamerism: Occurrence, Features and Types

Nephridium : Meaning, Physiology and Function

In this article we will discuss about Nephridium of Annelida:- 1. Definition of Nephridium 2. Research Work on Excretory System 3. Classification of Nephridia 4. Physiology 5. Functions. Definition of Nephridium: An excretory tubule which opens to the exte­rior through the nephridiopore and the inner end of the tubule is blind (associated with termi­nal cells or solenocytes) in the protonephridium [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:19+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on Nephridium : Meaning, Physiology and Function
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