Tag Archives | Phylum Annelida

An Example of Phylum Annelida: Earthworm

In this article we will discuss about Earthworm:- 1. Habit and Habitat of Earthworm 2. External Structures of Earthworm 3. Locomotor Organs 4. Body Wall 5. Locomotion 6. Digestive System 7. Respiratory System 8. Circulatory System 9. Excretory System 10. Nervous System 11. Reproductive System. Contents: Habit and Habitat of Earthworm External Structures of Earthworm Locomotor Organs of Earthworm Body [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:34+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on An Example of Phylum Annelida: Earthworm

Phylum Annelida: Habitat, Features and Classification

In this article we will discuss about Phylum Annelida:- 1. Taxonomic Retrospect of Phylum Annelida 2. Definition and Fossil Record of Phylum Annelida 3. Habit and Habitat 4. Generalised Characters 5. Specialised Characters 6. Features 7. Trend in Classification 8. Phylogenetic Relationship 9. Locomotion 10. Circulatory System 11. Respiratory System 12. Reproductive System 13. Nervous System 14. Regeneration. Contents: Taxonomic [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:34+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on Phylum Annelida: Habitat, Features and Classification

Vermicomposting: Meaning, Process and Conditions

In this article we will discuss about Vermicomposting:- 1. Meaning of Vermicomposting 2. Participating Organisms of the Vermicomposting 3. Physical Conditions. Meaning of Vermicomposting: Vermicomposting is a method by which comĀ­post or mixed manure of organic origin is preĀ­pared by the use of earthworms. It is a controlled degradation of the organic wastes for the consumption of earthworms, helps in [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:32+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Annelida|Comments Off on Vermicomposting: Meaning, Process and Conditions
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