Tag Archives | Phycomycetes

Phylogenetic Relationships of Phycomycetes

In this article we will discuss about the phylogenetic relationships of phycomycetes. Fascinatingly speculative accounts have appeared from time to time with regard to the origin and phylogeny of the Phycomycetes without leading to any agreement. More critical and comprehensive work will have to be taken up on the various groups of lower organisms before drawing any widely acceptable conclusion. [...]

By |2016-10-17T07:30:08+00:00October 17, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Phylogenetic Relationships of Phycomycetes

Oomycetes: Features and Significance | Phycomycotina

In this article we will discuss about the features and significance of oomycetes. Salient Features of Oomycetes: Oomycetes contain 74 genera with 580 species. The members of the class Oomycetes are characterized by the oogamous type of sexual reproduction and the presence of biflagellate zoospores which lack cell wall. The gametes are non-flagellate. The members of the class are typically [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:16:33+00:00September 16, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Oomycetes: Features and Significance | Phycomycotina

Zygomycetes: Features and Significance | Phycomycotina

In this article we will discuss about the features and significance of zygomycetes. Salient Features of Zygomycetes: The class Zygomycetes includes those members in which the resting spore (zogospore) develops by the fusion of two gametangia. They do not have motile cells (zoospores) in any stage of their life-cycle. The salient features of the class are as follows: (i) The [...]

By |2016-09-16T06:16:43+00:00September 16, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Zygomycetes: Features and Significance | Phycomycotina
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