Tag Archives | Pharmacognosy

Chirata: Description, Preparation and Uses

In this article we will discuss about Chirata:- 1. Botanical Name of Chirata 2. Family of Chirata 3. Description 4. Distribution 5. Parts Used 6. Preparation 7. Uses 8. Constituents 9. Adulterants 10. Trade. Contents: Botanical Name of Chirata Family of Chirata Description of Chirata Distribution of Chirata Parts Used in Chirata Preparation of Chirata Uses of Chirata Constituents of [...]

By |2016-07-27T10:52:06+00:00July 27, 2016|Pharmacognosy|Comments Off on Chirata: Description, Preparation and Uses

Adhatoda: Description, Uses and Dose

In this article we will discuss about Adhatoda:- 1. Botanical Name of Adhatoda 2. Family of Adhatoda 3. Description 4. Distribution 5. Uses 6. Average Dose. Contents: Botanical Name of Adhatoda Family of Adhatoda Description of Adhatoda Distribution of Adhatoda Uses of Adhatoda Average Dose of Adhatoda 1. Botanical Name of Adhatoda: ADHATODA ZEYLANICA Medic. Syn. A.vasica Nees. Justicea adhatoda [...]

By |2016-07-27T10:52:05+00:00July 27, 2016|Pharmacognosy|Comments Off on Adhatoda: Description, Uses and Dose
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