Tag Archives | Pharmacodynamics

Factors Modifying Drug Effect and Dosage | Pharmacodynamics

This article throws light upon the five major factors modifying drug effect and dosage. The factors are: 1. Physiological Factors 2. Genetic Factors 3. Pathological Factors 4. Environmental Factors 5. Therapeutic Factors. Factor # 1. Physiological Factors: i. Species: Absolute dose of a drug varies with species as different species are of different sizes, and the amount of drug has [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:53+00:00March 4, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Factors Modifying Drug Effect and Dosage | Pharmacodynamics

Drug Action and Receptor | Pharmacodynamics

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition of Drug Action and Receptors 2. Theories for Relationship Between Drug-Receptor Interaction. Definition of Drug Action and Receptors: The term "drug action" is used to describe the method by which the drug influences a cell and the term 'Drug effect or response' is a sequel to this action. Modification of [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:51+00:00March 4, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Drug Action and Receptor | Pharmacodynamics

Things to Know about Drug Action | Pharmacodynamics

This article throws light upon the three main things you need to know about drug action. They are: 1. Potency 2. Efficacy 3. Dose Response Curve. 1. Potency: It refers to the dose of a drug that must be administered to produce a particular effect of given intensity. In simple words, it is the amount of drug in relation to [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:34:51+00:00March 4, 2017|Pharmacology|Comments Off on Things to Know about Drug Action | Pharmacodynamics
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