Tag Archives | Parasites

Laboratory Examinations of Parasites (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the Laboratory Examinations of Parasites. I. Blood Examination for Parasites: Thick or thin blood smear can be stained by Leishman's or Giemsa or Field's or JSB stain to detect blood parasites. Method of Leishman staining: Leishman's stain should be poured from the dropper bottle and diluted to twice its volume with neutral distilled [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:35:02+00:00May 16, 2016|Parasites|Comments Off on Laboratory Examinations of Parasites (With Diagram)

Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases

Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases. The types are: 1. Amoebic Infections 2. Kala-Azar 3. Malaria 4. Ascariasis 5. Enterobius Vermicularis 6. Hookworms 7. Filarial Worms 8. Guinea Worm 9. Taenia Saginata 10. Taenia Solium 11. Hydatid Cysts 12. Paragonimiasis 13. Schistosoma Haematobium 14. Schistosoma Japonicum. Parasitic Disease: Type # 1. Amoebic Infections: Definitive diagnosis of amoebiasis is made by dete­ction [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:25+00:00May 12, 2016|Parasites|Comments Off on Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases

Stool Examination for Parasitic Infestation

In this article we will discuss about the Microscopic Examination of Stool for Parasitic Infestation of Guts.  A. Sample: (i) Freshly voided stool in a stool collection container is preferable, especially for tropho­zoites of E. histolytica and G. lamblia and helminthic larva. (ii) NIH swab for ova of E. vermicularis. (iii) Sigmoidoscopic specimen of large gut ulcer areas — for [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:25+00:00May 12, 2016|Parasites|Comments Off on Stool Examination for Parasitic Infestation
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